Friday, February 24, 2012

SWF Desperately Seeking NIH Reviewer

Slightly inexperienced aspiring researcher seeking older, experienced NIH grant reviewer. Male or female. Similar research interests preferred. Seeking advice and inspiration. Would enjoy hand-holding and long conversations about grant proposal writing.

OK, so maybe you don't need to take out a personal ad to find an experienced grant reviewer who is willing to talk to you. However, you should utilize your professional contacts, friends, relatives, alumni associations, fellow golfers, etc. to help you find someone who is willing to provide sound advice and (hopefully!) review a draft of your proposal. Even if it means waiting until the next deadline for a R01 or R03, for example, it is still to your advantage to have a skilled set of eyes review your proposal before it is sent to an NIH review committee. An individual in your specific field or area or research who has previously served as a grant reviewer will be most qualified to offer advice. Prepare to develop a thick skin - someone who is truly trying to help you will be more critical than supportive. Ultimately, you only have 2 chances to submit the best possible proposal. It is worth a little extra time to find an expert to help you.

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